So you had a great interview and you received an offer letter! Congrats! 

Q: What’s included in my offer letter? 

A: Your offer letter includes important details and we recommend you review them carefully. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Your site location and address
  • Role and program
  • Weeks offered (Remember, your scheduled weeks may change based on enrollment, performance, or other onsite logistics)
  • Compensation rate
  • Training compensation rate
  • Details about provided materials
  • Training dates & expectations

Q: Once I sign, can I make edits or propose changes? 

A: Any changes to your offer letter need to be discussed before you sign. When we receive a signed offer letter back, we take that to mean you reviewed it and agree with all that’s included. 

Q: I need to talk to someone about my offer letter. 

A: No problem. Please get in touch with your Talent point of contact or submit your message to the Talent Helpline here.